C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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98 lines
^S Blank/restore the screen.
^Q Quit calculation.
^U Resume calculating after the above command.
^E Force non-zero exit code. (Must IMMEDIATELY precede ^C.)
^C Exit from the program. (You must have previously used ^Q to quit
calculation mode if calculation has not yet finished.)
^L Log new disk drive or subdirectory.
^W Write the program data to a disk file. <space bar> The space bar will
erase whatever is on the prompt line.
^G Enter Grid mode.
^T Enter Threshview mode.
^B Set or change the beeper-alarm.
^R Produce a batch file to run Emandel with EXACTLY the same parameters as
in the present run.
^O (letter oh, not zero) produces a batch file for an overview of the area
surrounding the present frame.
^X Toggle auto-exit mode.
<space bar> Erase prompt line.
?C Coordinates of the present frame.
?M Maxit.
?H The number of vertical scan lines computed so far.
?I Increment.
?S Size figures: height, y-limit, width, x-limit, size, aspect.
?G Magnification factor
?J Julia point coordinates.
?P Present disk drive and subdirectory path.
?% Percentage complete.
?T Calculation time figures: Present session, present frame, extrapolated
time remaining.
?N File name.
?B Beeper-alarm.
?X Auto-exit status.
?? Help.
ESC Exit from Threshview mode.
<BS> Interrupt screen re-draw.
V <CR> Show cluster values.
L <CR> Log new drive or subdirectory.
G <CR> Enter Grid mode.
W <CR> Write a disk file of the picture presently on the screen. This is
NOT the same as ^W in the main commands.
A <CR> Enter Auto-draw mode.
R <CR> Re-draw the screen.
M <CR> Mask shift.
? <CR> Help.
In place of a top or bottom value for a cluster:
C Clear the present cluster.
M This stands for the current value of maxit.
< This stands for one less than the current value of maxit.
= Sets the top and bottom equal.
C (At the "Start?" prompt.) Clear all the clusters in the specified range.
<CR> At the "First cluster?" prompt, <CR> means cluster 0, the lowest
cluster. At the "Last cluster" prompt, <CR> means the highest cluster, which
is cluster 300 on the present version of Emandel. At the "Start value",
"size", or "gap" prompt, <CR> means 1. At the "Stop?" prompt, <CR> will set
stop = maxit-1.
ESC Abort auto-draw.
ESC Exit from Grid mode.
<space bar> Erase prompt line.
+ Increment step size 1.
* Increment step size by ten.
- (Minus sign) Decrement step size by one.
<BS> Set step size to 1.
<Del> Toggle glide/step.
5 Stop.
<Home> Moves the cross-hairs upward and to the left.
<UA> Moves the cross-hairs upward.
<PgUp> Moves the cross-hairs upward and to the right.
<LA> Moves the cross-hairs to the left.
<RA> Moves the cross-hairs to the right.
<End> Moves the cross-hairs downward and to the left.
<DA> Moves the cross-hairs downward.
<PgDn> Moves the cross-hairs downward and to the right.
^B Open/enlarge a box.
^S Shrink a box.
^D This moves the floor of the box down by one step.
^U This moves the floor of the box upward by one step.
^L This moves the right-hand side of the box left by one step.
^R This moves the right-hand side of the box right by one step.
0 (zero, not the letter oh) This closes the box.
# Batch file for present grid box.
^J Batch file for Ejulia using present cross-hair point as the Julia point.